Gabriela Sobreira / Ref R16
Gabriela Sobreira / Ref R16

Gabriela Sobreira / Ref R16

Gabriela is a Brazilian multidisciplinary artist/creator and translator based in Bristol/UK. Through her creations, from masks made with shoes to clay sculptures, she tries to leave an imprint of her existence, using the artistic process also as a therapy on her migrant journey. Gabriela's creative motivation comes from everything around her, family, friends, her environment and all her experiences; experimenting different skills is also a big part of her practice. Recently She has been working on her project Mina de Rap, where she offers free translations services for Brazilian independent artists, and is also a volunteer on Migrant Women Press. Gabriela believes that art can be a way to create a more acceptable diverse environment with proper integration and inclusion.

Artist Instagram: @gabzmostwanted
Artist Instagram: @malokaheads
Artist Linktree: @minaderap

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Product Information

Orders for these limited edition prints can only be placed up until 9th August and posters will be produced and dispatched w/c 23rd August onwards.

A3 posters are printed on 190gsm Matt Fine Art Stock. A2 posters are printed on 190gsm satin. All prices include production, packing and postage to one UK address. Print only, poster frame is not included.

All proceeds after production of each poster will be equally split between the artist and Rising Arts Agency to help fund their ongoing work.

#WhoseFuture represents an age-old struggle for youth resilience, security, agency and the need for positive social change. Celebrating a striking portfolio of bold visual imagery from Rising's network of young creatives, this project presents a unique opportunity for us all to listen, reflect and act, and for our young people to be heard.

Rising Arts Agency is a community of young creative thinkers aged 16-30. Their mission is to empower Bristol's under-represented young people to fulfil their creative ambitions and to affect wider social change through the arts. The agency is co-created with and for young people, and is fiercely independent.

