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PROCEED TO CHECKOUTThis will give you a search engine, please type in six digits of your Order Number: XXXXXX and photos of your posters in situ and their locations will be displayed.
Our hard working fitting teams will take photos of all advertising boards as they are put up on a daily basis and they will be uploaded online for you to see them.
PLEASE NOTE: If you can't see all your posters, it doesn't mean they haven't gone up, it's highly likely they just haven't scanned correctly, please refer to us and we'll be able to confirm locations.
If you're not sure of your order number, please contact us and we'll find it for you.
NOTE: If you placed your order online, you should also have received an Order Number directly from Out of Hand.
If you have any queries with where your posters have been displayed, please contact us as soon as possible and we'll try and sort things out for you.
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